Besides photography, Corvidae Studio Photos offers video production services using a mix of 4k and HD professional grade cameras and audio capture, along with project editing using Davinci Resolve. Our previous video productions include the following areas, among others:
Music videos, both narrative and live concert recordings
Corporate and event functions
Web/Social media content and promo
Our rates for video production:
Camera operator - $450 for full day, $250 for half day (4 hours or less)
Editing (video/audio) - based on $25/hour, project rates are available
We will also calculate special project rates if it is a larger project (short film, documentary, multiple day project), please inquire if you have a larger project and require an estimate for funding/grants/etc.
Some of the videos we've produced:
From Drake Jensen's album "Sideshow". Filmed all across Canada, audio also produced and recorded by Jonathan.
Ottawa band leMeow's single "York St." from the album of the same name. Our cat Coffy makes a cameo!
Etoile Noire's "Shadow of the City" from their debut EP , filmed at Ottawa's Live On Elgin and released in November, 2017
Tia McGraff's "Crazy Beautiful", released January 2016, from her CD of the same name. Filmed in Port Dover and Port Rowan, ON. Jonathan played bass on the song as well.